epST ffc

  • epST ffc, the aerobic activated sludge WWT&R plants implement the Fixed Film Contactors FFC technology, which provides a bed to support the biomass film
    that digests the biodegradable waste materials in the wastewater.

    epeco offers a wide range of FFC media, but all are falling into two basic geometrical shape categories.     The first, is utilizing a monoblock of honeycomb media (or equal hexagonal or corrugated sheets), arranged to allow for opened channels with the maximum contact area for the volume.

    The second shape is consisting of balls fixed in a basket forming largest contact area to volume ratio.     FFC media is static and fully submersed in the wastewater and exposed to the diffused air.     A film adhering to the FFC, containing aerobic bacteria will be created.     Bacteria exposed to diffused air and the biomass will be activated and the aerobic digestion will take place.